DEAR EDITOR -- Recent letters from newcomers to Droitwich Spa praised councillors for their foresight, on grounds that the town lacks facilities. They do not know how much has been destroyed in recent years, by past and present party political administrations.

The public Brine Baths, Winter Gardens Dance Hall, Winnetts Lane Infants School, four football and two cricket pitches, a cinema, a youth club, five public/parish halls and 12 medieval historic buildings in Friar Street, were all bulldozed for car parks.

In Ombersley Street thriving shops and ex-services clubs made way for magistrates courts now closed and a police station hardly manned.

Police stations, which were manned 24 hours a day, closed in Winnetts Lane, Stalls Farm Road and Tagwell Road.

Gone, elsewhere were Highfield Hospital, a large Co-op store, Johnson Bros supermarket, Gateway store, another cinema and ancient woodlands of Westwood.

Lido Park lost a public bowls green, putting green, skateboard area, its indoor pool and two half sized football pitches.

Soon to be gone is the market, public Lido, Gurneys Lane flower sellers and Norbury Theatre.

Closely followed by Kwik Save and the remaining High Street traders!

At elections councillors promised national and EC improvement grants for Westlands and Chawson, small parish halls at St Peters and the Ridings, a Lottery funded major athletics facility, a safe new skateboard park, and the long overdue canal reopening.

Not to mention "comprehensive entertainment facilities." They got publicity and votes. We get conned.

Recently councillors dictated that we have a huge community complex at Showell Green, drive through McDonalds in Wychbold back gardens, half empty industrial estates on Hampton Lovett, green belt, chip shops and off licences at Spring Meadow, the private Lido Health Club, an outlandish Waitrose and an opportunity to microwave our meals for free by living near Newlands water/telecommunications tower.

Do these people come from the same planet as the councillors they praise? Our Spa needs independent councillors to halt its destruction.

Party prima donnas, sycophants and their white elephants should beam back to the twilight zone they came from!

Mark Heel, Burrish Street, Droitwich Spa.