MUCH has been written about the Arrow Valley Countryside Centre and I thought I'd tell you about our experience.

My husband and I often walk around the lake. There is a good path in all weathers and to listen to the birdsong, to see the sun shimmering on the surface of the lake, to watch the antics of the crested grebes is a treat that lifts our spirits. Nature is full of surprises and there is always something new to see.

We often drop in at the Countryside Centre for a cup of tea and sit on the balcony overlooking the lake and soak in the beautiful view.

My grandchildren participate in the varied and interesting courses run in school holidays and in the craft club - whenever we take them there is always something for them to join in with and something to learn. The staff do an excellent job and the children enjoy it immensely.

So if you haven't yet experienced this amenity that is close at hand, go along and support it - you'll be amazed something so excellent is right on your doorstep.

Pat Newbold

Salford Close
