Michelle Stockall is an administrator in Worcester.

INCOME: Full-time salary

HOME: Worcester


FAMILY: Married (no children)

CAR: Yes (two)

MILEAGE: 12,000 for both




AN increase in the cost of fuel would be a disadvantage but it would not impact on us greatly as my husband and I both live quite close to where we work.

I would be prepared to pay increased taxes for the NHS as long as the money is ring fenced and that is what it's used for.

I would prefer no increase in duty on alcohol but I accept that it's something that, most times, goes up - it's a soft target.

I think tobacco should be taxed heavily as it's a burden on the NHS.

I would not like it if VAT went up as that would make everything more expensive, which is not a good idea as people would just want a pay rise to compensate and that would lead to inflation.