THE Heart of England in Bloom competition will be launched this Thursday.

Beverley Nielsen, chief executive of the Heart of England Tourist Board, is due to declare the competition open, along with Sir William Lawrence, the tourist board's chairman and BBC Hereford & Worcester's Reg Moule.

Organisers are expecting more than 50 entries from Worcestershire, Herefordshire and other counties throughout the West Midlands.

"It's an opportunity for communities across the West Midlands to work together to improve the environments in which they live by using impressive floral displays in their village, town or city," said Sir William Lawrence, chairman of the Heart of England tourist board.

"This year's judges are going to find it harder than ever as the standard of entries to Heart of England in Bloom continues to grow year on year.

"The competition itself has become a reason to visit the area and as a result the awards are always hotly contended.

"We welcome any activities that make a significant contribution to the local economy."

Heart of England in Bloom is an annual competition, which began in the 1960s and from which four winners go forward to the regional Britain in Bloom stage.

The competition, which will be opened at 11.30am at the Royal Horticultural College in Pershore, covers categories from large city to small village and involves the local community working together to create colourful and vibrant places for people to live, work and visit.