LOWER Moor residents are being encouraged to make their village look blooming marvellous for the Queen's Golden Jubilee this year and every year after that.

Hill and Moor Parish Council is now in the process of organising floral displays, which it hopes to tie in with the celebrations and maintain annually.

The project, which is being funded by money from the parish council and sponsorship, is, initially, to consist of display tubs at the entrance to the village, the playing field and St Thomas Church.

The council will provide containers and compost materials, while parishioners provide the flowers and their maintenance.

A meeting will be held in January to discuss celebrations but it is hoped to link a parish garden and road display competition, which will be judged by a professional gardener.

Chairman, Tom McDonald, said: "If you look around the village, there's so many well-kept gardens that it shouldn't be too strenuous for anyone."