MALVERN pool star and New Zealand international Mark Stephenson has secured a sponsorship deal with leading website

Mark impressed at the World Championships this year and has also been a solid performer on the highly competitive Gangsters Tour based in Swindon, where he finished number four in the rankings. And it was these performances, as well as his solid showing on the UK Tour, that impressed webmaster and pool fan Nick Hammond, who offered him the sponsorship deal.

Nick said: "Mark's had a great season and his form on the table and his conduct off it make him an ideal ambassador for our site.

"'We obviously can't go into details about the deal as we treat all matters of finance as confidential, but what we will say is that he now joins former World Champion Carl Morris, England star Phil Harrison and a host of other top professionals and amateurs as players sponsored by

"Our site is the leading cue sports website in the country. We get on million hits every month and we're always looking to add quality players to our team, and that's certainly something we have in Mark, everyone working on the site is pleased that he's agreed to come on board."

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