THE prize winners at the village hall fortnightly whist drive were: Joan Palmer, Joan Spragg, Jacky Hartley, Ann Pullen, Marjorie Halling, Nancy Devereux, Ethel Brookes, Doug Bartlett, Richard Pullen, Ron Baxter, Dave Bunn, Philip Warner, Pat Gisby, Molly Abbott.

The next whist drive will be the Christmas whist drive on Wednesday, December 5, starting at 8pm. Admission £1 including refreshments.

Forthampton Flower Festival 2002. A meeting of flower arrangers was held in the church on November 8. The meeting was chaired by Ros Renfrew who is organising this side of the flower festival and street fayre, which is to be held on the weekend of the first May Bank Holiday, May 4, 5 & 6, 2002. There was a good attendance at this meeting and plans got underway for the festival. Places in the church were allotted to the flower arrangers. Various amounts of money will be given to the arrangers according to the size of their flower displays. Several money raising events have already taken place to raise money for the forthcoming festival.

On Saturday, November 10, Ros Renfrew organised a sale of flower arranging equipment plus bric-a-brac stalls. Although not very well supported, a profit of £170 was made for the Flower Festival Fund 2002.