Open Forum: No residents attended.

County Council: Coun T Bean asked if the parish council were satisfied with recent resurfacing of the B4035. Concern was expressed that potholes appeared after the first layer had been done. Surface was tracking in areas, causing wheel noise. Station Road had not been included as specified.

Education Review: There had been no public consultation. If a change in the tier system took place Middle Schools would be 9-13 years. There is a Will to standardise, they are 10-13 years at present. Change would put pressure on Primary Schools.

District Council: Coun G Bourne reported as a governor, that work was almost complete on the new extension to Bretforton First School. Excellent facilities had been provided for both staff and pupils.

Ward Boundaries: Proposals for changes in the Ward Boundaries had been forwarded for approval.

Parking - Orchard Close: Consultation procedures are in progress on restriction of parking in the entrance to the Close.

Burial Ground: Work was progressing well on the site.

Street Signs: Several signs would be replaced and repainted in the village.

Footpath 12: Stile which was in need of repair, has now been removed.

KPMG - Audit: Certificate had been received in respect of audit for year end March 31.

CPRE - Celebrating 75 years: A reception was due to be held last Saturday at Avoncroft Museum. An application has been made for registration as a charity.

Community First: AGM and autumn conference will be held on November 28.

CALC: Minutes of AGM, financial statements and operating plan 2000-2003 would be circulated.

NALC: An update on the National Training Strategy had been received.

Wychavon District Council: Copy of Affordable Housing Supplementary planning Guidance (draft) would be circulated.

Bretforton Playgroup: Correspondence had been received expressing concern at the danger caused by lorries turning around the Triangle in front of the Memorial Hall. Parked vehicles have been damaged. Highways Partnership and West Mercia Police would be contacted.

Bretforton Sports Club: Permission to site two new seats in the recreation ground had been requested. These would be in memory of two men who had given so much to sport over the years.

Vital Villages: Opinion was sought on the provision of mini-libraries in villages.

WDC - New Standards Regime for Parish Councils: Central Government are introducing a new 'ethical framework' for local government. New rules on Conduct were distributed to councillors. Correspondence from the Standards Board of England had also been received, Documents would be circulated and discussed at the next meeting.

West Mercia Constabulary: A copy of the Best Value Review on Territorial Policing had been received. Document would be circulated.

West Mercia Police Authority: Joint policing plan, performance plan and annual report for 2002/2005 would be circulated.

Planning - Approval: Mr and Mrs J Lippett - Centre Farm, internal alterations to provide extra accommodation in main house. Vicarage Nurseries - Weston Road, first floor offices and refrigerating room extension.

Roads/footways/greening of the village: Weston Road - there is a problem with water pouring off the road onto the footpath and flooding a driveway. Highways Authority would be contacted.

Road Markings - Fir Tree Corner: A request would be made for road markings or warning sign to indicate sharpness of bend.

Blocked Gutters: Several areas of the village have a problem with gutters being blocked with fallen leaves. Road sweeper would be requested. The next meeting will be held on January 14, starting at 7.15pm with open forum.