A REDDITCH Pagan has hit back after being accused of worshipping Satan.

In a letter to the Advertiser recently, Andrew Marshall, of the Pagan Federation, called for an inter-faith forum to be set up in Redditch.

But the Rev Andy Kelso, vicar of Christ Church, Matchborough, responded by writing: "The lord of Paganism is Satan."

This week, Mr Marshall described this as 'upsetting and hurtful'.

He added: "The Rev Kelso highlights perfectly the need for a forum in Redditch.

"He has highlighted the danger when any group only meet those of their own religion and know little about followers of other religions."

Mr Marshall said Paganism had never had anything to do with Satan and he had never met a Devil worshipper.

"I'm sure Rev Kelso meant well for all but went off half-cocked," he added.

"I hope he now sees the need for the forum and for education. I look forward to a time when he feels comfortable with the idea that all religions other than his own are not evil and to take his seat on the forum."

But the vicar was unrepentant.

"What is behind Paganism is Satan, whether Andrew Marshall realises that or not, and witchcraft has evolved from Paganism," said Mr Kelso.

"Nothing useful would be served by a forum involving Christians and Pagans, nothing positive would come from it for the people of Redditch."