AT the last meeting, members completed their journey along the River Severn, this time travelling from Bridgnorth to the Bristol Channel in the engaging company of Brian Draper MBE, who had spent his entire working life with the Rivers Authority.

The journey included humorous tales of mini battles between the Brummagem navy and Birmingham anglers and of underwater racing and cricket at Worcester.

Members also heard of the grandeur of cathedrals and abbeys at Worcester, Tewkesbury and Gloucester and were reminded of the folly of building on the flood plain of the "Queen of Rivers".

His booklets on the river, its life, its villages and people will ensure that future visits to the Severn will be even more interesting.

On Friday, November 30, David Brown, regional officer for the National Trust, will give an illustrated talk on Scottish Country Houses.

This will take place at Trinity High School, Grove Street, starting at 7.30pm.

Visitors welcome. For more details, call 01386 792082.