TWO new members joined at the last meeting.

Pauline and Derek Carter were presented with their certificates on completing the taster course.

Four members gave speeches during the evening.

Caroline Gentleman gave a speech entitled Are You Being Served?

She compared the service she had received in shops and restaurants in this country with the service she had received in America - she felt the Americans had surpassed the English.

Alan Young's speech, Charming the Birds, encouraged all gentlemen to treat their "Lady" with respect.

Brent Hill gave his opinion on modern art in his speech Evacuations and the Nazi and Roger Jauncey gave a short speech on Identity Cards.

Linda Moxon led the topic session, which was on the theme A Silver Lining.

Speeches were evaluated by members, who were encouraging and offered useful advice to the speechmakers.

New members welcome. For more details, call Alan Young on 459516.