THIS month's meeting was the AGM.

Members have the opportunity to take part in a dance day and to be in a review for the Queen's Golden Jubilee.

This month, a group will see The Pirates of Penzance at the Palace Theatre.

Monica Moore gave the committee report and Barbara Parker gave the report about her year as president.

Sheila Dickinson thanked Mrs Parker for her year as president and also thanked the institute for all its support to farmers' wives during the foot and mouth crisis.

Mrs Parker was re-elected and next year's committee was introduced.

Jackie Gregory then gave a talk about the Associated Country Women of the World, which is part of WI.

Irene March won the cross-stitch competition and Mrs Moore won the raffle.

The Christmas party on Tuesday, December 4, will be an American supper. The competition is a Christmas card from abroad.

The whist drive is on Friday, December 15. January's meeting will be on Wednesday 2, not Tuesday 1.