DEAR EDITOR -- I am writing with regard to the front page Advertiser story about the brave woman who had written to you because of the attacks made against her.

I do feel for her as I myself have been the victim of repeated attacks of this nature.

I have been on my own with my three children to look after for over two-and-a-half-years, and during this time I have had my windows smashed, eggs thrown at my house and car, property damaged and verbal abuse off kids outside.

I have called the police out repeatedly but so far nothing seems to have been done.

I have also repeatedly asked the housing association to move me, but they are not at all sympathetic to my problems and have told me I am not eligible for a move as I am adequately housed.

I have lost loads of weight through all the worry and do not like coming home from work wondering what I might find. So I do feel for this woman, and I sincerely hope she gets it sorted out, or gets some help. It really does make your life a misery and no-one should have to put up with this victimisation.



(Name and address
