PUBLICITY for a cause is always welcome, even if it contains inaccuracies.

In your November 14 issue, you printed a letter from Michael Clifford of Brockhill.

He was complaining, justifiably, about the traffic along the A441 through Bordesley.

Mr Clifford has obviously heard residents in Bordesley have been campaigning about traffic volume along the Birmingham Road.

He has got it completely wrong, however, when he thinks the campaign has been for lights.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

It has never been for lights. It has always been for a bypass.

Why would one action committee call itself the Bordesley Bypass Action Committee if it were in favour of the installation of traffic lights?

The move to have lights at the Dagnell End Road junction was made by the Highways Partnership - and by them alone - and taken without consultation with the residents of Birmingham Road.

The chairman and secretary of the Bypass Action Committee and I met Jim Casey, of Highways, when we heard about the county's decision to install lights.

We were assured there would not be a build-up of traffic because the system would respond to the demands of volume and allow for a steady flow.

We doubted this would hold good at certain times of day and so it has proved.

The present system permits vehicles to enter and leave Dagnell End Road minus the level of danger that was commonplace previously at this junction. A great benefit to many people.

However, Mr Clifford lives in Brockhill and there are many more houses to be built over there.

So if he does not want to be sitting in his car for even longer periods while we in Bordesley breathe in even more traffic fumes, maybe he would like to add his support to the building of a Bordesley bypass.

Councillor Mrs J Griffiths

Bromsgrove District Council

Birmingham Road