A WORCESTER man has been given a two-year community rehabilitation order after admitting theft and possession of heroin.

David Pace admitted two charges of theft and one of possession when he appeared at Droitwich Magistrates Court yesterday.

The court heard how Pace had taken a pressure washer from Woolworths in Worcester and a CD from the city's HMV, and had been tackled by security officers on both occasions.

He had also been caught in possession of about £5 of heroin in the city centre on another date, said Julian Harris, prosecuting.

Pace, of Avon Road, Tolladine, had been struggling with a heroin problem at the time of the offences, said Nick Roberts, defending.

The 37-year-old had since kicked the habit, and was a changed man, he said.

Pace was also ordered to pay £49.99 compensation to Woolworths.