AFTER seeing the skips at Shap Drive, I do hope those councillors in support of this scheme will not jump to any hasty conclusions about its success without waiting to see how the "kerbside collection" service fairs.

It is true that the residents who filled the three skips are pleased with the return of the service. But, in almost all cases, those people lived in spitting distance and were able to transport their own waste.

During the morning, there were also a number of residents who felt this scheme was unfair, as they had no transport, so were unable to use the facility.

It should be noted also that this stationary skip scheme does not serve those in all the other parts of Warndon, some of which has a greater need.

Therefore the alternative "kerbside collection" service may be a fairer system, as it would give all residents in Warndon the opportunity to benefit.

It's claimed this would be more expensive. I hope the officers of the city council will give an accurate cost comparison between a service that serves a small part of a community and the alternative, which covers the whole of the community.

When making a decision into what's best for Worcester, it could be that a combination of the two schemes could be considered.

It is therefore important that all councillors should listen to opinions and suggestions for improvement by the residents in all areas of Worcester, when both schemes have run their course.


County Councillor.

