I WAS interested to learn of the rise in funding from £5,000 to £500,000 and staffing from one to 11 over the past five years at Worcester Racial Equality Council.

I never realised that Worcester had such a severe racial problem.

This really is a growth industry. It makes one wonder what the funding and staffing levels will be in five years time.

Of course, if the WREC is doing a successful job then these funding and staffing levels should be reduced - but the WREC can hardly be expected to talk itself out of a job, can it?

The UK is the most tolerant of all the countries I have ever visited. Britain even allows positive discrimination as far as minority groups are concerned.

Recently, in Birmingham New Street Station, I saw a young Asian man wearing a T-shirt with the logo "white trash" emblazoned on the back.

Nobody, including a nearby policeman, seemed unduly perturbed - although I did wonder what the reaction would be if a white lad was sporting a logo that the Asian community found offensive.

At Brent Town Hall, London the Union Flag was taken down as certain people thought that it was discriminatory.

I sincerely hope Worcester does not go down the same path.

I can understand the indigenous population feeling upset when such emphasis is given to race relations, at the same time as pensioners who sacrificed so much for this country are getting such a poor deal from this Government.

