A HAND-drawn menu by a soldier from the Great War has come to light, thanks to retired Malvern auctioneer Philip Kedward.

Some years ago, Mr Kedward discovered three sketchbooks at a house in Powick, containing a unique record of life in the trenches.

The drawings were the work of Sgt Herbert Gibson, who served with the 7th Battalion of the Royal Northumberland Fusiliers, probably as a medic.

"They show how the soldiers of the time used humour to come to terms with their awful situation," said Mr Kedward.

Now a further item by Gibson has come to light - a menu dated 1917, drawn and signed by the artist.

"The menu, with the regimental crest of the 7th Battalion of the Northumberland Fusiliers, is a chilling reminder of what happens when we try to resolve our difficulties by conflict," said Mr Kedward.

"On a lighter note, inside the menu is a drawing of a British Tommy punching a German soldier on the chin, and another Tommy in a tin hat, carrying rum and water into what must have been a victory party for a battle won.

"The six-course menu has everything a hungry body of men could desire. Right down to the savoury of sardines on toast, washed down with wines and spirits."