AN ill-fated plan to assess the impact of the proposed new development at Upton-upon-Severn Marina has had to be postponed because leaves are late falling from trees.

Landscape architect firm Carly Tinkler Associates planned to fly helium-filled balloons at the height of the planned development last week.

It had waited until late October for leaves to fall from trees, so people could see exactly how obtrusive the planned buildings might be.

But the warmest October since records began has frustrated the plans, which have now been postponed until late November.

"We're just waiting for the leaves to come down," said Carly Tinkler. "We had hoped to have done it by now, but it's just a matter of keeping our fingers crossed."

It is not the first time the balloon-flying scheme has gone awry. During the first attempt to fly six balloons at the height of the new buildings in September, three of them were stolen and one burst.

However, Ms Tinkler is confident the environmental impact assessment her company is carrying out will be completed by Christmas.