ON Sunday, November 11 we shall have a short Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial in St Mary's churchyard, starting at 10.45am. This will be followed by a Service of Remembrance in St Mary's Church at 10.55am.

Also on Sunday, November 11, Bridge Builders, the benefice Sunday School for children aged 5-11 plus, will be meeting at Longdon Vicarage, starting at 11.30am, 15 minutes later than usual. The theme will be 'David: the Outlaw', illustrated by the usual songs, stories, games and craft activities.

On the Move, the Age Concern project to support elderly people in rural areas, gets under way on Monday when their mobile day centre visits Longdon village hall from 10.30am-3pm. Minibus transport will be available, a cooked lunch will be provided by WRVS and foot, hand and hair car facilities will be offered. The charge, including lunch, drinks, activities and transport, is £4. Enquiries to Olwen or Kay at Age Concern 01684 576655.

Longdon Parochial Church Council will be meeting in Longdon Vicarage on Tuesday, November 13 at 7.30pm.

The annual general meeting of Longdon Village Hall Committee will be held on Wednesday, November 14 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall. All members of the community are invited and urged to attend. Take the opportunity to influence the running of your village hall and to give your ideas of what activities you would like to see taking place. New committee members would be most welcome.