A BRAVE youngster battling leukaemia is to go on the trip of a lifetime to Disneyland, Paris thanks to the fund-raising efforts of friends and family.

Yasmin Cashmore, eight, of Headless Cross, was diagnosed with the disease last year.

She can no longer go to school in Astwood Bank for fear of infection and has spent a total of about 15 weeks in hospital over the last year.

Her dad, David, underwent an operation to donate bone marrow for a transplant for Yasmin, which sadly failed.

Yasmin is now to receive lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell formed in the lymphoid tissue.

She is still undergoing chemotherapy and has to attend hospital at least once a week.

Several months ago, family friend Mandy Moutton approached Yasmin's mum, Maxine.

She said she would like to raise money for the youngster to send her on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Disneyland, Paris.

Frantic fund-raising began, with several auctions, car washes and a 24-hour dance marathon raising thousands of pounds.

The money raised is enough to send Yasmin, her mum and her grandma on the trip.

But fundraisers, including her sister, Samantha, 23, and brother, Andrew, 21, also want some of the youngsters' friends to make the trip with her.

Anyone who would like to make a donation can call Mrs Cashmore on 07786 023090.