A PERVERT who terrified two teenage girls by exposing himself has escaped a custodial sentence.

Daniel Fisher spoke to the victims by a brook at Waterside, Evesham, to draw attention to himself before the sexual act.

He also "pestered" a married woman and asked her for sex, prosecutor William Rickarby told Worcester Crown Court.

Two years ago Fisher befriended a 12-year-old girl, dragged her into bushes and indecently assaulted her.

Fisher, aged 21, and formerly of New Street, Bretforton, pleaded guilty to two offences of outraging public decency. Sentencing him to a community rehabilitation for three years, with a condition he attend a sex offenders' treatment programme, Judge Anthony King said Fisher had problems coming to terms with his own sexuality.

He told the defendant no child under 16 must go to his new home in Ashford, Middlesex, and he must not belong to any organisation which would bring him into contact with children of the same age.

The girls, both 15, were scared by Fisher on July 16 last year. After exposing himself, he followed them on his bike and shouted: "You know you want it." After touching himself in a sexual way he rode off. They picked him out on a police identity parade.

A fortnight later he asked a 30-year-old woman if she wanted sex as she walked along Waterside. She made a comment about her husband and he walked off. She later identified him to police.

Simon Goodman, defending, said the offences were disturbing but the sex offenders' course should address his future risk to women.

Fisher was registered as a sex offender following his attack on the 12-year-old.