A VALE football club is threatening to quit its league after the manager was hurt after violence flared on the pitch.

Pershore Town has been given time to decide on its future by the Midland Combination after manager Mick Preece received hospital treatment for an ear injury when trouble erupted during last Wednesday's Premier Division clash at Coventry Marconi.

It is hoped the team's next match, at home against Kings Heath on Saturday, will go ahead but club secretary, Don Roberts, said the club was seriously thinking about resigning and manager Mick Preece had now retired.

Mr Roberts said: "In a league of this standard, it was disgraceful, absolutely disgraceful.

"We have never had any trouble like this before and we are considering resigning."

Match referee, Jerry Curtis from Honeybourne, said: "I abandoned the game after 77 minutes because of continuous violent conduct by a Marconi player and a pitch invasion by spectators.

"I would rather say no more, simply because of the prospect of police and Birmingham County FA action."

He added that he had spoken to representatives from the Midland Combination and the Referees' Association after the game.

"All misconduct reports and disciplinary forms have been sent to the relevant parties and I am awaiting to hear from them."

A Pershore player, who did not wish to be named, said the incident was sparked off by an accidental collision involving the manager's son, James Preece, which caused a facial injury to an opponent.

He added that four spectators ran on to the pitch and claimed they threatened to use violence against anyone in their way.

Preece, meanwhile, fled from the pitch and ran to a neighbouring housing estate from where he telephoned the police.

West Midlands Police said they were called to the Marconi Communications Sports Ground, in Allard Way, Coventry, at 9.20pm on October 17, following a disturbance at the match.

No arrests were made but police say investigations are continuing.

Midland Combination secretary, Norman Harvey, said: "The matter is in the hands of the Birmingham County Football Association.

"We can't do anything until the matter is resolved. A player has been suspended and there will be a hearing on November 26."

Mike Pennick, secretary of the Birmingham County Football Association, said the matter would be acted on once reports from the referee and two assistant referees had been reviewed.

He said: "I cannot recall an incident of this level before but it is something that we've got to get to the bottom of.

A meeting was due to take place at the club yesterday (Wednesday) to discuss the matter. Mick Preece declined to comment.

Marconi's secretary Peter Scanlon was unavailable for comment.