A PASSION for sailing and a passion for people were well demonstrated at the last meeting.

In his illustrated talk Major Tim Taylor vividly described how disabled people can share the challenge of sailing tall ships as far as the Azores thanks to the work of the Jubilee Sailing Trust.

He showed how 'the world is full of equals' when able-bodied and handicapped are given the opportunity to work side by side on a tall ship such as the SS Lord Nelson.

The scheme has been so successful that an even bigger square rigged wooden ship aptly named the SS Tenacious has just been launched. It was built by Shorewatch Volunteers including the disabled who should be able to experience the challenge and job of sailing well into this century.

At the next talk on Friday, November 2, Mrs Notburga Cheetham-Tilt, a former member of the Austrian and Czech Resistance which she joined when only 15-years-old, will talk about 'Was it all in Vain?'

This takes place at Trinity School and Sixth Form College, Grove Street, Redditch, starting at 7.30pm.Details from 01386 792082.