MEMBERS enjoyed an enthusiastic talk from Angela Tandy of Fibrex Ferns.

Angela brought along quite a selection of ferns - something for every situation in the garden - providing there is some shade.

There were ferns for moist conditions and ferns for dry conditions. There were well-behaved ferns for small gardens and vigorous ferns for large gardens. There were also some unusual varieties, including a Bevis fern.

Angela exploded the myth that Dicksonia Antartica (Tree Ferns) do not have any roots by showing a pot full of them! She described some of the propagation techniques and showed members some very young seedlings, which look very like moss, making pricking out a difficult task.

Angela's passion for ferns showed throughout, resulting in a very enjoyable evening.

The next meeting is at Where Next Nurseries in Redditch on November 19, when Claire Ellis will be talking about exotic plants and gardens.

For more information about the society, call 893874.