AT the September meeting, Jonathan Cochrane, Theatre and Arts Development Officer, introduced himself.

Jonathan explained that this was a new post with Redditch Council in conjunction with the Palace Theatre.

After giving an outline of his work, Jonathan kindly offered to help with the promotion of the guild.

Members gave feedback on the Scatty Scarecrow day, which was held in August.

All agreed it was successful and were very pleased that members of the public had been very appreciative of an enjoyable day.

Members also appreciated the press coverage given by the Redditch Advertiser.

Barbara and Pat, representatives from Reddicraft, then exhibited some of the many materials and kits they are able to supply to groups working in arts and crafts.

At the October meeting, members discussed arrangements for the forthcoming craft fair to be held at Alvechurch Village Hall on Saturday, November 10, from 2-5pm.

The speaker was Alison Warren, who expertly demonstrated how to ice and decorate a Christmas cake using a variety of simple tools and decorations.