DEAR Editor - or should this read: dear councillors? Has anyone living in the Droitwich area ever achieved success in requesting for a bus shelter?

Life threatening? Certainly not - but frustrating! Admittedly, my neighbours and I have only been asking for about ten years but I thought a letter to your newspaper might draw attention to the fact that we aren't a national supermarket vying for planning permission to take over the entire town -- we just want a bus shelter - please.

I refer to the corner of Celvestune Way and Thames Drive, near Copcut House, Copcut. With the onset of yet another winter and the prospect of walking on ungritted footpaths my neighbours and I are bracing ourselves for another miserable time.

The road sign near the corner should not only be a warning about elderly people in the area but of a symbol showing the obligatory couple of old 'uns.

To this image try adding walking sticks, shopping bags and an umbrella and realise that weatherproofs, snow boots and SAS style Arctic training will cost councils far more than a bus shelter.

Windswept of Copcut,

Name and address supplied.