DEAR EDITOR - I wonder if I am the only person quite horrified by the Hallowe'en display at ASDA over the last few days ?

Christians who went to such lengths advertising the virtues of Christianity would be branded fanatics or even religious bigots, but to celebrate evil appears sadly acceptable.

In eleven years as a youth worker I have, unfortunately, seen first hand the results of young people becoming involved with the occult, what begins as fun ends in dismay.

As a parent I object to my children being bombarded by frightening images when we simply want to go shopping.

Hallowe'en may be a bit of fun for some, but how many older people in our town will be hiding behind closed doors today?

Can we really condone the blackmail of trick or treat or is it time that someone stood up for the cleaner image as opposed to images of blood and guts, death and evil that seem to blacken the end of what is normally such a beautiful month.

Robin Rolls,

via e-mail