AN elderly man out for a walk was conned into getting into a car and withdrawing £180 from a cashpoint for the driver, writes Julian Seva.

The pensioner, in his 80s, was walking in Ipsley Lane, Church Hill, on Monday, October 22 at about 4pm when a silver 4x4 stopped.

The driver claimed he knew the man well and convinced him he was the son of one of his friends.

He then claimed he needed cash for some building work and the pensioner's friend had told him the pensioner would help him out.

The pensioner got in the car and was driven home to get his bankcard before being taken to Safeway and withdrawing the money.

He was driven home and the driver promised to pay him back later.

The driver is described as white, about 5ft 8ins with a round face and a thin moustache, in his early 20s, wearing a shirt and tie and fairly well built.

He drove a clean, silver 4x4, possibly a Toyota or Mitsubishi with P, R and 1 in its registration.

Witnesses can call Pc Petit on 584888 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.