AN Alcester group is applying for about £200,000 to breathe life into a town estate.

The Alcester Opportunities Group was formed by residents from the Conway Estate who tried to identify the community development needs of the area.

It carried out a survey in July and August and the findings showed a deep level of dissatisfaction among many of the residents.

The group, Vanessa Motherwell, Janet Barr, Karen Maynard, Shirley Coldicutt and two other members, is bidding for £180,000 from the Single Regeneration Budget over the next five years.

It has already secured half that amount and will be actively seeking the rest.

Warwickshire County Council has given Alcester Opportunities Group a kick-start with a contribution of £12,000.

The group has set up a telephone line for people who want to volunteer as minibus drivers, help in any other way or who live on the estate and want to find out more.

Messages can be left on 01789 764042.