I MAY be wrong but I think I've touched a raw nerve (Joy Turner and Paul Denham, You Say October 24).

They seem to fail to understand what the world "Independent" means. The dictionary definition is "not subject to others, self-reliant, free" Independent councillors are free to vote how they choose.

They are not subject to party political influence. If New Labour were to put forward for high office people who were worthy, perhaps they would get support.

Paul Denham wrongly states that the people of Worcester voted for a council evenly balanced between Labour and Conservative. They actually voted in 16 Conservatives, 15 Labour, four Independent and 1 Lib Dem.

I wonder why both writers have dropped the word "New" from New Labour?

If New Labour councillors can't understand what "Independent" means perhaps the electorate would be better off with cardboard cut-outs of Mickey Mouse.


St John's, Worcester.