MYSTERY surrounds the sudden closure of vacant land used by Droitwich Spa workers and shoppers as a free car park.

Metal fences now prevent vehicles accessing the site between the Talbot pub and Toy World, in High Street.

Wychavon District Council began work at 7am on Monday, giving no advance warning.

A spokeswoman said the authority wants to prevent unauthorised parking.

The move has infuriated High Street workers who have enjoyed free parking for many years.

Wychavon is also hiking its parking charges and drivers will soon have to pay £2 per day.

Brian Eglesfield, of Droitwich Sport, in High Street, has used the land for nearly 18 years.

He said: "Whose benefit is this for? I really want to know why it has been shut."

Cllr Peter Pinfield (Lab, Droit.West) said: "Once again the council is out of touch with the public. This move is over the top.

"It's already tough for traders and this completely discourages people to shop and work in Droitwich. It's monstrous.".

Jim Sheridan, of Wych News, is concerned about unloading stock. Parking spaces outside his business are usually taken up so he parked on the vacant land to give him easy access.

He said: "We pay extortionate rates but don't even get a car parking space."

Mr Sheridan has heard the area could be transformed into a piazza.

Nicky Guise, of Envy hair salon, believes traders should have a free parking pass.

Cllr Don Lawley (Con, Droit.South) speculated the area could be used for temporary market stalls. The indoor market hall may be demolished to make way for a Waitrose supermarket.

A Wychavon spokeswoman said: "The council is reviewing its property portfolio, car parking order and is looking to conclude a deal with Waitrose.

"Our intention, within the Waitrose proposal, is that this area should be enhanced for public use."