AN adventurous Stoke Prior woman has just completed two challenging months in the jungle of Central America in aid of charity.

Helen Bovey, aged 20, of Hanbury Road spent her summer helping to build a visitor centre in a national reserve in southern Belize.

The former South Bromsgrove High School pupil flew out to Belize in July, with sixty other Trekforce Expedition volunteers.

Following a week of training and jungle acclimatisation, the group was divided into three independent teams, and work at the reserve began.

Helen said: "The main objective of the park is to generate a sustainable form of income for the local community by facilitating eco-tourism.

"The project was situated by the beautiful Santa Cruz falls and was entirely funded by Trekforce."

However, heavy rain meant the project site soon became knee-deep in mud, making living and working conditions very difficult.

"We slept in hammocks strung between trees, with canvas sheets above us and mosquito nets to keep out the insects," she added.

The project lasted until September and Helen, who funded her expedition by organising a raffle and appealing for donations from local companies, has fond memories.

"The expedition was hard work and mentally tough at times but I am so glad I've done it."

Trekforce Expeditions is a conservation charity established in 1990, which carries out science, conservation or community based expeditions in Belize and East Malaysia.