A HARDWORKING Lickey woman had a "magnificent day" when she helped raise £4,000 for seafarers and met the Princess Royal, Princess Anne.

Norma Rogers, of Old Birmingham Road, is the publicity officer for The Mission to Seafarers Birmingham Association and she, along with her husband, John, who is the honorary treasurer, met Her Royal Highness when she attend the annual Mariners' Market last Thursday, October 25.

Princess Anne is the president of the Mission to Seafarers.

The market, which was held in Edgbaston, raised more than £4,000 for the mission.

Mrs Rogers, who is also a Lickey and Blackwell parish councillor, told the Advertiser/Messenger: "The amount of money we raised was tremendous.

"It was a magnificent day and everything went beautifully.

"It was a very joyous occasion with the Princess speaking to so many of those who were present.

"The event was exceedingly well attended and Lickey, Rednal, Rubery and Bromsgrove were well represented."

The money raised will be used to continue caring for seafarers worldwide. Last year 850,000 seafarers were welcomed to its centres, transport was provided for 300,000 and help given to make 100,000 telephone calls.

Her Royal Highness told the members of her pleasure and delight at seeing so many people giving their support to the mission and praised the work of the Birmingham association.

Mrs Rogers added: "I would like to offer my personal thanks to all who have given of their time to support us and who made cakes, jams and sweets."