A KIND-HEARTED Bromsgrove woman looks set to raise the roof at a charity concert.

Jenny Walker, of Hill View Road, Lickey End, has organised the concert in Kidderminster this week to raise money for the National Deaf Children's Society.

The adventurous 18-year-old is walking along the Great Wall of China in May 2002 to raise money for the cause but to take part she needs to raise a massive £2,000 sponsorship for the charity.

Talking part in the A Sense of Sound concert, which is being held tomorrow at Kidderminster Town Hall, will be children from Parkside Middle School, in Bromsgrove, Kidderminster's Spennells First School, the Gemini Choir, a soul band and the Sense of Sound Orchestra.

Speaking to the Adve-rtiser/Messenger, Jenny said: "We need as much support as possible. "The children deserve a big audience, they have worked so hard towards this."

Tickets for the event cost £5 for adults and £3.50 concessions and are available on 07932 621091 or at box office@asenseofsound.co.uk