A FINAL location for the new £50,000 bandstand at Sanders Park looks set to be decided tonight.

The idea for a bandstand was discussed by Bromsgrove District Council as a permanent memorial to commemorate the Queen's Jubilee which is being celebrated next year.

It has now set aside £50,000 for the project and at tonight's cabinet meeting members will decide on a location and outline design.

Possible sites include the grassed areas to both the left and right of the main entrance off Kidderminster Road, an area on the other side of Cotton Pool before Battlefield Brook and land near the skateboard park.

There are six sites in total but council officers have identified problems with each including limited audience capacity due to the nearby car park, a lack of CCTV cameras, noise from Kidderminster Road, the effect on nearby properties, isolation from toilet facilities and the possible need to remove conifer trees.

In a report to the cabinet, the head of leisure services, Robbie Hazlehurst, said: "Based on a number of designs, which we have looked at, your officers would propose the bandstand should be of a traditional structure.

"From the research which has been carried out with bandstand companies, it would appear the optimum size is 18ft diameter."

The expected cost of the structure is £37,000 with ground works costing between £13,000 and £20,000 depending on the location.