TRADE links between firms in Herefordshire and Worcestershire and one of the biggest markets in central Europe have been boosted by business visits to Malvern.

Members of a ten-strong delegation from the Bekes region of Hungary were in Malvern on Tuesday, October 30, when they visited Malvern Instruments and English Braids.

The visit had the aim of fostering trade agreements and followed an understanding signed by the Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce and its counterpart in Bekes two years ago.

British firms export around £600 million worth of goods and services to Hungary, making it a key regional centre and one which is growing.

The Bekes delegation included representatives involved in trade in clothing, medical equipment and herbs and spices.

"The group were here for four days getting to know the area, its companies and the wealth of goods and services it produces," said Eric Brown, the chamber's head of international trade. "The aim of the visit is to increase trade and help local companies export to this growing market."

David Ierstan, of English Braids, said: "It was a very good visit with lots of potential for developing business and selling products abroad made in Malvern.

"Our visitor told us Bekes is a large flat central area, with one huge freshwater lake which has thousands of yachts, so there is definitely potential for selling our yachting range of products there."