Redditch Exiles 10

Dixonians Vets 10

AFTER a well-earned rest last week, the men in pink took to their task with a performance that at times showed them at their best with fine handling and support running.

Unfortunately, it also often showed them at their worst, with a lacklustre display in which they seemed to have no great enthusiasm.

Dixonians were an experienced team who could have run away with the game had Redditch not put in some decent tackles and if they had capitalised on their strong pack more.

Exiles had the initiative from the start, trying to use the slope, but managed just one try - a chip and chase from Darren Field.

Dixonians equalised on the stroke of half-time when a stray kick bounced to their winger who ran in unopposed.

Dixonians turned on the pressure in the second half and, after scoring another try, threatened to take control but the Exiles were up to the task.

A brawl brought a spell of Redditch pressure to an end but a fortunate break allowed Dave Smith to equalise the scores with another kick and chase that could easily have been wasted.

A draw was probably a fair result but Redditch could easily have lost and with a little less luck they would have done.