WINYATES Green residents have won a battle to stop a nearby housing development - but it will be a 'long war' according to an environmental pressure group, writes Julian Seva.

Bob Dale, of the Council for the Protection of Rural England (CPRE), spoke after Redditch councillors threw out an application for two access roads to a beauty spot off Far Moor Lane.

Stratford Council will now decide on November 16 whether the Winyates Green Triangle should still be included for development in its Local Plan.

The land falls under its jurisdiction but the access roads to the site need permission from Redditch Council.

But English Partnerships, which wants to develop more than 200 houses on the land, is not likely to take the setback lying down.

Darren Cutler of English Partnerships' agents GVA Grimley said: "It's likely that English Partnerships will submit an appeal."

The access road application was thrown out on environmental grounds by a unanimous vote of Redditch Council's planning committee, despite advice from officers.

Residents and environmental groups turned up in force to the planning meeting, claiming the roads would irreparably damage an ancient hedgerow and wildlife corridor.

If English Partnerships perseveres with its plans, the housing application is likely to be called in by the Government and a public inquiry held.