The news of the new bus operator in Redditch is indeed a mixed blessing.

The new 61a route misses out Tanhouse Lane, where my nearest bus stop is located.

To get to the Thornbury Lane stop on Papermill Drive or the Wood Piece Lane stop on Ravensbank Drive, I will have quite a walk on the road or on very rough grass (not practicable in bad weather) as no pavements are provided by main roads in this area and this is obviously unsafe.

The only alternative is to use the 178 service but this takes nearly half-an-hour instead of 10 minutes.

Now I find I shall not be able to use my pensioners' pass on these busses.

Why should the elderly and disabled in one area of Redditch be treated any differently to any other?

We all pay our council tax, part of which goes towards funding these passes.

Ten pounds per week will be too much for many to find and people will become shut in.

So come on, Redditch Council, try a bit harder.

You were elected to represent all areas of the borough and should make sure we are all getting the same benefits.

Margaret Smith

Oakridge Close

Church Hill North