SPINE-CHILLING tales about ghostly goings-on in Droitwich Spa have been collated in a new spooky book.

Supernatural expert Anne Bradford has added another publication to her haunting collection.

And in the run up to Hallowe'en today, copies of Worcestershire Ghosts and Hauntings have been flying off the shelves.

Anne's latest edition features 100 true ghost stories, most of them contemporary eye-witness accounts.

A chapter is dedicated to paranormal activity in Droitwich.

One tale in particular may leave workers at Berry Hill Industrial Estate feeling slightly uneasy.

Anne says a Roman Villa once stood on the site and one of her previous publications featured the story of a Roman soldier who was seen walking across a factory floor.

The Redditch resident's latest tale was prompted by a meeting with a man who has worked at Berry Hill for 38 years.

He claims to have seen a tin lift itself up and fly across a table, doors open and close of their own accord and heard eerie clanking noises.

Anne said: "I'm certain the estate is haunted.

"The man I spoke to is very level headed and he was adamant there is a presence at his factory."

She added: "I have great respect for people who talk to me, it's very brave.

"Apparitions can affect a person's life dramatically and some will move house or change their jobs because of fear."

Anne visited The Ickel Gift Shop, in High Street, this year following a spooky report in the Advertiser.

Two sisters, Sarah and Rachel Burgess, ran the shop, which has since closed.

The women described erratic room temperature changes, felt they were being watched and said the credit card machine had a mind of its own.

A paranormal expert paid the siblings a visit.

He went straight to unused rooms upstairs and claimed to have seen a woman in a straw hat and flowing dress.

The figure told him she was concerned for the shopkeepers and would visit them in times of stress.

After his visit, the shop became warmer and problems subsided.

"The presence at the shop was affecting one girl in particular - she was too scared to work alone," said Anne.

"Stress can often aggravate a restless spirit and I warn people that my visits can stir up more spiritual activity.

"It's strange because I have yet to experience a supernatural encounter myself. I'm not sensitive to physic activity at all."

A sighting of the ghost of Emma Vernon, in Hanbury, is also featured in the married mum-of-three's book.

Emma Vernon was the great-granddaughter of Sir Thomas Vernon who built Hanbury Hall, in School Road, in 1710.

She disgraced her family by eloping with the local curate after ditching her distinguished husband.

Emma's ghost is well-known in the village and Anne spoke to a visitor who had a particularly chilling encounter.

The woman had visited her brother in the parish and returned home late one night via Hanbury Woods.

She spotted a young girl standing on the side of the road, dressed in black.

Concerned for the youngster's safety, the motorist slowed down to check if she was okay but the girl vanished.

It wasn't until months later, when her brother began talking about Emma Vernon, the woman realised what she had seen that dark night.


"This is a popular ghost tale and Emma has featured in all four of my Worcestershire ghost books," said Anne, a retired English teacher.

"When I started out eight years ago I was sceptical about the paranormal.

"However, the people I have spoken to and their unexplainable tales can only lead me to believe that we don't know everything about the world we live in."

Worcestershire Ghosts and Hauntings, priced £6.50, is available from book shops, including M&D Books, in Droitwich High Street.