A TERRIFIED woman was assaulted and robbed while walking her dog along an alleyway.

The 25-year-old victim had been exercising her pet between 6.15 and 6.45pm on Wednesday, October 24, when a person attacked her from behind.

The shaking woman made her way home after the incident and was later taken to Ronskwood Hospital in Worcester where she was treated for minor injuries to her face.

The attack took place in an alleyway that leads from Peewitt Road, Evesham, to a waste tip.

She has since been released from hospital.

"The assault took place in the dark, and the woman suffered the attack from behind so we don't have a very good description of the offender," said PC Dex Hynam, one of the officers investigating the incident.

"However, we're particularly keen to eliminate from our inquiries the driver of a black hatchback car with a distinctive fuel filler cap."

Anyone who can help police with information should contact PC Hynam on 01905 723888 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.