IT'S business as usual at Droitwich Spa's indoor market despite its uncertain future.

Last week, the Advertiser confirmed that Waitrose wants to replace the market with a supermarket.

Wychavon District Council has earmarked £1m to buy the hall and a shop in Gurneys Lane.

The authority has said it is keen to maintain market facilities.

Kate Spencer, who works on an established clothes stall at the indoor market, expects to continue trading for at least another 12 months.

She said: "I think a bigger, brighter, market would be good for the town but a new venue must be built before this building is demolished."

Celebrations boss Hazel Purcell is hoping to order stock for Easter.

She said: "We will definitely need another venue to move straight into, otherwise we will lose trade."

Steve Singh has managed a jewellery and cosmetics stall for more than three years.

He said: "Traders must be kept informed about any planned developments. We just want to know what's going on."

One trader, who refused to be named, said: "People are under the impression we are about to close.

"These proposals have been under discussion for years and I'm sure we won't see any developments for some time. It's business as usual here."

David and Dindy Hatfield run Special Occasions, in Gurneys Lane. The premises which they rent could be sold to make way for the supermarket.

Dindy said: "We took on a short-term lease because we were aware of plans for development.

"We've been in business for 28 years and will definitely not be closing. When the time comes we will simply have to find alternative premises."