A LANDSCAPE gardener went berserk at nurses inside Ronkswood's maternity unit before threatening to shoot a policeman.

David Henderson was drunk when he launched into his tirade of abuse in the early hours of Wednesday, October 10, magistrates were told.

But instead of quietening down when police arrived, the 18-year-old threatened to shoot one of the officers in the head.

Stephen Harris, prosecuting, told Droitwich magistrates the police received a complaint about Henderson's behaviour at 2.35am.

"When they got to the hospital the person subject to the complaint - David Henderson - had made off," he said.

"The officers had received a complaint that he had been acting in a threatening and abusive manner towards the nursing staff.

"They found him in the grounds of the hospital in Newtown Road.

"He ran off, but was caught and was then warned about his behaviour.

"But he continued to remonstrate, shouting using foul language."

Henderson, of Lear Close, Dines Green, Worcester, then tried to pick a fight with the officers, taunting them to hit him.

But they managed to wrestle him to the ground and handcuff him.

"His parting shot to the officer arresting him was that he was going to put a bullet through the officer's head," Mr Harris added.

Martha Recordon, defending, said Henderson was legless and could not explain why he was hurling abuse in the maternity unit.

"He'd gone out bowling in the evening with friends and consumed so much alcohol that he says he's got no recollection of any of the incident at the hospital," she said.

"The only recollection he recalls was that he woke up in the police cells the following morning.

"He doesn't even remember getting into the custody suite."

She said the now jobless Henderson, who admitted using threatening or abusive behaviour, was sorry.

He had an interview lined up at Best Connections agency, she said, but if this proved unsuccessful, the teenager would have to sign on.

The bench fined him £80 and ordered him to pay £55 costs.

"We don't find this sort of behaviour acceptable in the small hours of the morning in the grounds of a hospital," magistrates told him.