A DISTINCTIVE white stone lion has been stolen from outside a Worcester house.

It is one of a pair that adorned the gateposts outside the home of the caretaker who looks after Stanley Road Primary School.

Thieves stole the 50lb lion, valued at £40, overnight on Saturday, October 27.

"Ornaments are the sort of thing that do get stolen for a laugh, or sometimes because they are valuable. This one falls in the middle," said PC Geoff Dover.

Police are not linking the incident with the recent series of ornament thefts in the area.

Owner John Sharp described the ornament, which has only been in place since the summer, as "valuable to me".

Anyone with information about the theft, which police believe must have involved those responsible using a vehicle to take the lion away, should contact officers on 01905 723888 quoting reference c/528134, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.