THE recent letters from Messrs Burgess, Cook, Pinney and Audrey Steel show they have again failed to understand the correspondence regarding the link between cheap food, the treatment of animals as production units, and the spread of disease.

Instead they twist the debate around to accusations of ignorance with the tired and divisive "town versus country" red herring.

What it boils down to on the part of the bloodsports brigade is a failure of intellect and imagination; a failure of intellect because of the continuation of factory farming and global movement of animals that will surely once again lead to more devastation and human and animal misery.

Those who point out that food production has to change are not "uncaring", Mr Cook, but that is a more apt description of bloodsports followers who, for narrow protectionist reasons, are only interested in promoting their vile and vicious activities.

This is a failure of imagination on their part; an imagination that cannot empathise with their victims, the wild animals who suffer horrendously for their "sport".

A KNITTEL, Worcester