"NO solid proof has been put forward by Britain and America as to the guilt of the Taliban or Osama Bin Laden," writes Sajid Riasat. (You Say, October 6).

Any question of proof or guilt are matters to be determined by a Court of Law. At this stage, in order to apprehend, arrest, detain or charge a suspect it should only be necessary to show that a criminal act has been committed and that there are reasonable grounds for suspicion.

The US and Britain have done that and reasonably requested suspects should be handed over. Fair and timely warning has been given of the possible consequences of impeding the course of justice.

Your correspondent then goes on to raise several other issues, some not without merit, and use them in support his original misconception.

Sadly, this is an example of the kind of muddled thinking that so often leads to disharmonious relations.

JOHN G HINTON, Worcester.