100 years ago - October 12, 1901

BROADWAY: Frank Richardson, a gymnast from Broadway, was summoned for being drunk at Broadway on September 25. Defendant pleaded guilty. PS Lewis stated that he saw defendant on The Green drunk. He fell down and could not get up again. Fined 5s and 5s 6d costs.

75 years ago- October 16, 1926

CROPTHORNE: Six members of the Southern Branch of the Worcestershire Change Ringers Association met at Cropthorne on Sunday, and rang a peal, in three hours consisting of 42 six-scores of Grandsire Doubles with ten different callings, 5,040 changes. The ringers were Robert Corbett, Ralph Harris (conductor), Edward Moore, Ewart Andrews, James Bradley and George Moore (tenor).

50 years ago - October 13, 1951

EVESHAM: The appointment of a part-time entertainments manager who would be responsible for arranging winter programmes in Evesham's municipal halls and summer events in the parks and gardens, is to be considered by a sub-committee of Evesham Town Council, it was decided on Wednesday. Submitting the idea to the general purposes committee, Councillor R G Burlingham said he felt it was the responsibility of the council to give encouragement to organisations in the town which were trying to bring something cultural to it.

25 years ago - October 14, 1976

EVESHAM: Lord Allen, general secretary of USDAW, has agreed to sponsor and chair a meeting to help to decide the fate of the Richmond Sausage factory and its 504 employees. The meeting, which is likely to be held within the next week or so, will be attended by representatives of the company, its parent company, Wall's, Unilever, the local council, union officials and the landlords T W Beach and its parent company Cavenhams.