A PLUCKY teenager who made a miraculous recovery after an horrific road accident is going back to school - complete with her Bob the Builder protective helmet.

Stefanie Mace chose to go to Prince Henry's High, in Evesham, rather than be tutored at home, despite fighting for her life just five months ago.

The 13-year-old had to undergo major brain surgery after suffering serious head injuries in the accident with a Volkswagen Golf on the town's Pershore Road on Tuesday, May 22.

Despite fears she would slip into a coma, the courageous youngster astounded doctors at the Diana, Princess of Wales, Children's Hospital, in Birmingham, by making a speedy recovery.

Stefanie and her family were delighted when her faculties returned but know she is not out of the woods yet.

Major bones in her skull were removed during the operation after swelling in her brain but, although they were replaced, one of them recently became infected.

Mum Tracy said her daughter would rather wear a helmet to avoid more injuries than be apart from her school friends.

"She's had to have one of her bones removed again, making the need to wear the helmet more important," she said.

"She hasn't been able to take part in games since her accident but hopes to do so after Christmas."

Although Stefanie, of Andrews Drive, Evesham, confessed she found wearing the helmet "embarrassing", she said she would soldier on at school rather than being taught at home.

"I call it my Bob the Builder's hat," she said. "It's a bit embarrassing to wear, despite my mum and I putting stickers on it."

Headteacher Bernard Roberts said Stefanie was a lovely girl with a great sense of humour.

"All the staff think she is very brave and hope she is moving in the right direction," he said.