MY letter (You Say, September 28) spoke of the stealthy preparations for the break-up of the UK into regions.

More evidence was to be seen in today's Evening News (October 1) in the report of the launch of European and international Policy Forum of "the regions", operating under the umbrella of the West Midlands Chambers.

Even the Evening News refers to the region! Recognition confirms we are on the right track to make the West Midlands a premier region in Europe," says the chairman.

What arrogance. Who says we're going into Europe? The majority of people don't want to. Neither do they want to see the country divided.

But are we going to see Tony Blair dictate to us into regions as required by the EU?

Let the people have what the majority wants - a United Kingdom, governed only from Westminster and retaining its countries.

All these costly quangos should be eliminated.


Fernhill Heath,
